Friday of the 14th week in ordinary time

Hosea 14: 1-9     Mathew 10: 16-23

Theme: A call to repentance

In the 1st reading of today from the prophet Hosea, God is inviting the Israelite to retrace their steps and return to him. He admonishes them to renounce everything that has taken the place of God in their lives and return to God, who can take care of all their difficulties and challenges of life. In the same way dear friends in Christ, the prophet is also admonishing all of us as Christians in our own time. It is a call to repentance and an opportunity for us to turn away from all our actions that are not good and pleasing to God. Just like the situation the Israelites found themselves that gave rise to this message by the prophet Hosea, is what is presently happening in our society and in the world at large. One thing that is very clear from todays 1st reading, is the fact that we must not make the mistake of giving up the position of God to any other person or thing in our lives.

This brings us to a very important question today, as we reflect on the admonition of the prophet Hosea in todays 1st reading, has anything taken the place of God in your life? This question is very important today because for some of us, other people has taken the place of God in our life. Sometimes this is because of our desperation, we forget that it is God that have the final say in anything that happens in our life. Instead, we run to an individual or we go to places that is not of God, all in our desperation to get things done in our own way. This type of attitude has led some of us to places we are not proud to share with others, and their situation has become more complicated than it was when they went there. We are all encouraged today to go back to God in humility, and he will gladly welcome us back and give us the opportunity for another chance.

One thing we must always know is that what God cannot do does not exist, and there are so many things that those you have given the place of God in your life cannot do for you. Why not go back to him today and accept the invitation of God. He does not hold our sins or mistakes against us. He is ever willing and ready to give you the opportunity to become a better version of yourself. His desire is not that we perish, but that we get life in abundance. Accept his hand of friendship in your life today and see him come through for you in that challenging situation in your life. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.



Friday of the 14th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp