Monday of the 15th week in ordinary time

Isaiah 1: 10-17    Mathew 10: 34-11:1

Theme: A call to repentance

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Bonaventure, Bishop and doctor of the church. He was a Franciscan and was referred to as the seraphic doctor because of his love for God and his passion to do Gods work. His way of life, encourages us as Christians to retrace our steps and return to the right path that will lead us to eternal life. This is in line with our 1st reading of today from the prophet Isaiah that is calling us to repentance. This message was coming from the prophet at a time when a lot of things that was not pleasing in the sight of God was happening among the Israelites, so there was need to make them conscious of the fact that they are straying away from the right path.

This is also a very important message for all of us in our own time. Taking into consideration so many things that are happening all around the world. We hear the stories of wars and killings in different parts of the world. Life is no longer sacred as it should be, instead it is taken at will without the fear of God. People are getting involved in different types of evils in our world, because of their selfish gains and interests. They don’t care anymore whether their actions hurt other people or not, so long as they are able to achieve their selfish goals. The level of morality is going down by the day, and it doesn’t really matter for so many people, life continues. Our situation today in the world is like what was happening during the time of the prophet Isaiah that gave rise to the 1st reading of today, and they were admonished to retrace their steps and change their way of life, lest they call on God and he will not answer them. Now, is the time for us to listen to the word of God and return bac to the right path.

In view of this, we are all encouraged to do that which is good and pleasing to God. We must stand up for what is always good and right. You must be the voice of the voiceless, fight against injustice whether it affects you or not. Discourage exploitation and manipulation of any form of the less privileged and the most abandon. Give hope to the orphans, widows, the poor and the downtrodden. Give them reason to face tomorrow with hope and trust in God. Knowing fully well that they have men and women who have given them voice and give them the reason to continue to live, irrespective of what they are currently going through in their lives. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Monday of the 15th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp