Tuesday of the 17th week in ordinary time

Jeremiah 14: 17b-22     Mathew 13: 36-43

Theme: The patience of God

In the gospel reading of today, the disciples of Jesus requested that he should explain to them the parable of the weeds of the field. In the explanation that was given to the disciples by Jesus, one thing that is very clear is the fact that God is very patient with us, giving us the opportunity for us to turn away from our wrong path and retrace our steps. This is because he knows from the very beginning all those that are working with the devil to destroy what he has created, and he can easily stop them. But he would rather wait until the end, when it will be time for judgement for everyone, both those who are doing what is good and pleasing in the sight of God and all those who are doing the opposite. The explanation presented to us by Jesus today, gives us an answer to the question that comes to mind for many of us, “Why is it that those who do evil last for a very long time”. This is simply because the desire of God is not that we are destroyed, but rather that we should repent and embrace that which is good and pleasing in the sight of God. The virtue of patience is something we must pray that God will give to us, because many of us are very impatient and do not have it.


In the explanation that was given by Jesus, which of the groups do you belong to? Everyone of us belong to one of the groups. The field is the world in which we live, are you among the sons of the kingdom, or you are among the sons of the evil one? By their fruits you shall know them, so we all know where we belong. Our lifestyle will automatically tell us where we belong without any difficulty. However, it is still possible for us to move away from where we are now, to join the sons of the kingdom. It is expected that as children of God that are guided by the works of light and not darkness, we all belong to the group of the sons of the kingdom. But is it true? Now is the time for us to make effort and right the wrongs in our life. This is because non of us is certain that he or she will be alive until the last day when the harvest will take place.


We don’t want to be thrown into the burning furnace, so we must do something about it now, by retracing our steps and returning to the path that will lead us to eternal life and prepare us for the second coming of Christ. May the Lord grant us the grace we need to live like true children of God, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.






Tuesday of the 17th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp