Monday of the 19th week in ordinary time

Ezekiel 1: 2-5. 24-28c    Mathew 17: 22-27

Theme: The glory of God

In the 1st reading of today, the prophet Ezekiel was given the opportunity to see the different manifestations of the glory of God, and he was filled with awe. We were told that when Ezekiel saw it, he fell upon his face. God continues to show us at different times his manifestations around us and in the different situations we encounter in our daily lives. Just like what happened at the Transfiguration, his glory continues to manifest in our midst. This has continued, even in our own time. Unfortunately, some of us do not recognise it when it happens around us, because we are distracted by the different challenges that life throws at us. The glory of God continues to manifest daily in the different circumstances of our lives. It is important that no matter the situation we find ourselves in life, we must never loose sight of Gods love for us, as it continues to manifest in the daily activities of our lives.

In the gospel reading of today, we see Jesus preparing the minds of his followers about what awaits him in the future. His assertion greatly distressed his followers, because the thought of loosing Jesus their master was not something they wanted now in their lives. But Jesus in his usual way, will not keep such an important information away from them because he does not want to hurt them. Rather he told them what awaits him in the future, so that they can also prepare themselves for what is coming. We have something to learn from this attitude of Jesus, he did not paint it, so that his followers will not feel bad, but rather told them the reality of what awaits them in the future. In the same way, we must learn to tell people the truth about situations and the happening around us. It is better than painting the situation or event in such a way that is not completely true, just because we think it will hurt those involved. It is always better to prepare people and hurt them with the truth, than giving them false hope.

Also in the gospel reading, we see Jesus paying tax, just like everyone else. By so doing, he is teaching us that we should all be responsible citizens, wherever we find ourselves. As we continue to strive to be true representatives of God wherever we find ourselves, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Monday of the 19th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp