Saturday of the 19th week in ordinary time

Ezekiel 18: 1-10. 13b. 30-32   Mathew 19: 13-15

Theme: A God of justice

In the 1st reading of today from the prophet Ezekiel, the Lord is inviting his people to repentance. The emphasis today from the Lord is a call to repentance and holiness of life. Everyone will answer for the choices he or she has made in life. Gone are the days when our fathers ate sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are on edge. The Lord is saying to us today through the prophet Ezekiel that every one of us will answer for his or her own sin. Interestingly, amidst this assertion of the prophet, he still ended with the fact that the desire of God is not that any of us should perish, but rather that we retrace our steps and turn away from sin and everything that is evil and not pleasing to God; simply put. The choice is ours to make. As a just judge that he is, he enumerated to us what is expected from us and what we should not do, as a guide for all those who truly desire to attain salvation.

Dear friends in Christ, we mean so much to God as individuals and as a people. That is why he will always end his admonitions with the fact that his desire is not for us to perish but rather to attain salvation at the end of our life here on earth. The big question today is what is stopping us from accepting the invitation of God that he presents to us repeatedly? It is time for us to take that bold step and accept the invitation for repentance that God is presenting to us today. He is waiting patiently to receive us like the prodigal son, whenever we decide to accept his invitation. It is never too late or early to accept the invitation of God, resolve to do it today and act. The call to holiness of life is not beyond the human person, especially for anyone who is determined to make it happen with the help of God; his grace is sufficient for you.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus shows his love for little children once again, as he stopped his disciples from chasing them away from him. He simply said they should allow the children to come to him, because the kingdom of God belongs to those with the heart of a little child. They are pure and sincere in their dealings, very unassuming and with a forgiving spirit. Jesus is saying to you and me today, that we must strive to have these wonderful attributes of little children, if we truly desire to make eternal life. A lot of insights in today’s readings for you and me, if we truly desire to make eternal life at the end of our earthly life.

May God grant us the graces we need to accept Gods invitation and live a life that will lead us to eternal life, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.



Saturday of the 19th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp