Homily for Divine Mercy Sunday

Acts4:32-35 1 John 5:1-7 John 20:19-31

Theme: The Mercy of God

The church every year celebrates the Divine Mercy Sunday on the second Sunday of Easter. The Divine Mercy Sunday was instituted by Pope John Paul II. It is a celebration that reminds us about the mercy and love of God. This mercy is driven by God’s love for humanity. Interestingly, the readings of today are ad-rem, taking into consideration our celebration today. We see from the first reading the first Christian community who were guided by the maxim: one heart and one mind, living up to this maxim by contributing and supporting one another. The thought of helping one another was paramount to them and they lived in peace, joy, harmony, and unity.

This same divine mercy celebration shows us the extent to which God can go for the sake of his people; and the extent he is willing to go for us because of his love for us. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, on this second Sunday of Easter, our readings encourage us to live our call to discipleship according to the practice of the first Christian community in Acts of the Apostle. The world in which we live today challenges us to live out this practice. In a world that is full of division, disunity, jealousy, hatred, and bitterness. The Divine Mercy of God invites us as we celebrate it today, to practice this same mercy that God shows us, not minding our unworthiness. It is expected that as we enjoy the mercy of God, we also should share it with the people who encounter us.

In the gospel reading of today we see the scenario that plays out itself between Jesus and the apostles and especially Thomas. Today Jesus makes it explicitly clear that there is need for us to believe; by so doing correcting the unbelief of Thomas. This leads us to an important question. Do we truly believe in God? Jesus said blessed are those who have not yet seen but believe. If we truly believe in God, then the challenges we face in life, the difficulties we face today will not overwhelm us because of our faith, trust, and confidence in God. As we celebrate the divine mercy Sunday, we are encouraged to practice this same mercy of God that we do not merit yet received from God. It is when we do this like the first Christian community that our actions will draw people to God; and through our actions people will know that we are Christians.

Gone are the days when you just preach, and conversion begins to happen. In our own time people are looking for witnesses, and true witnesses in our own time are in short supply. That is why we are encouraged to be true witnesses; so that our lives may reflect the mercy of God that we enjoy, and all that we do will reflect God’s Mercy. In view of this my brothers and sisters in Christ, we are all encouraged to make honest and sincere effort as we enjoy this mercy, to spread it wherever we find ourselves.

Going through the dialogue of St. Faustina, one will realize that the divine mercy of God is overwhelming. The mercy of God can grant us salvation. This is possible for all those who believe. Therefore, let us avail ourselves this opportunity for reconciliation and enjoy opportunity God’s mercy. When we do this, we can be rest assured that God will bless us, and this celebration will bring us renewal and transformation. Peace be with you!


Divine Mercy Sunday Year B, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp