10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Genesis 3:9-15 2 Corinthians 4: 13-5:1 Mark 3:20-3

Theme: The Family of God

Today is the tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time year B. Looking at our liturgy today, in the gospel reading Jesus tells us what it entails to be a child of God and a member of God’s family. As many that are willing and desire to be part of God’s family are given insights on what they should do. What they are to do is simple: hear the Word of God and keep it. And most importantly, they are to put the Word of God into practice in their daily lives. By implication, our lives should reflect the Word of God that we hear and preach. The question is, how much effort are you making to ensure that you live out the Word of God in your daily life? How much effort are you making to ensure that you are a true representative of God here on earth? These questions are very important for our reflections today. Especially as we reflect on the lives of Adam and Eve in the first reading. Instead of owning up to their sins, they were shifting the blames, blaming others except themselves.

In our daily lives we see that reflecting equally. Instead of owning up to our faults, we shift the blame to others except ourselves. From the narrative of the fall of Adam and Eve, we should learn to own up to our faults and sins. Let us stop shifting blames and rather blame ourselves when we fail. Who knows, maybe if they had owned up their sins, God would have been merciful to them. Let us learn to be part of this God’s family by being true to ourselves. We must learn to always put into practice God’s word. Sometimes it may be difficult. Sometimes it could be challenging. But the truth remains, that nothing good comes easy. As such, we must always strive to make honest effort to practice the word of God in our lives. The more we strive to live it out in our lives, the closer we get to God and the better Christian we become.

We are all called as children of God to strive after that which will help us attain salvation. It is not beyond our reach. It is not beyond what we can achieve, because he says, “for those who believe in me, everything work well unto Good.” It is rather for us to make honest and sincere efforts and decide that we really want to live the word of God in our lives. It is for us to decide to become ambassadors of Christ in our lives. Today Jesus’s words should encourage us.  

Thus, let us make equal efforts to live in and practice the word of God in our lives. Let us try to become better people that will be closer to God, that we can attain salvation at the end of time. We are ambassadors of Christ, we are children of Christ, and as such our lives should always reflect the presence of God that way, we shall be able to establish God’s Kingdom on Earth. That is why my brothers and sisters, it is not an easy road to tread, but it is a road that we know at the end we shall be victorious. And because we are children of God, we are victorious. We pray for graces in this very Mass so that we may always put into practice his Word in our lives as members of his family. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you!



10th Sunday of the ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp