Wednesday of the 3rd week of Lent

Deut. 4: 1.5-9    Mathew 5: 17-19

Theme: Keeping the commandments

The two readings we have today, emphasizes the need for us to practice the commandments of God in our daily life. They act as guide for us as children of God, for us to remain on the right path that will lead us to eternal life. In the 1st reading from the book of Deuteronomy, we see Moses presenting the commandments of God to the Israelites and encouraging them to practice it in the land that the Lord has given to them. This commandment has remained relevant for both the Israelites and the Gentiles from one generation to another.  They are profound, and a good guide for Christian living.


Also, in the gospel reading, Jesus’ assertion also points out the importance of the commandments of God in our life. He did not come to abolish the laws; rather he came to fulfil the laws. This is a sign that the practice of the law or commandment of God is a necessity in our daily life. Jesus tells us in today’s gospel that we must practice these commandments in our daily life and teach others to practice them. We are encouraged to do all within our power to ensure that we take the admonition of Jesus in today’s gospel serious, lest we will be found wanting on the last day.

Let us make effort to guide against taking the commandments of God fore granted in our daily life. It may be difficult to keep, but the grace of God is sufficient for all those who trust in it. It is important that we resolve that we want to keep the commandments in our daily life, and we work towards achieving it.

May God grant us the grace to always keep the commandments of God in our daily lives, no matter the situation we find ourselves, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen.  Peace be with you.



Wednesday of the 3rd week of Lent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp