Monday of the 9th week in ordinary time

2 Peter 1: 2-7     Mark 12: 1-12

Theme: Ungrateful people

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Charles Lwanga and his companions, also referred to as the Martyrs of Uganda. They were 22 in number including Charles Lwanga who was a catechist and their leader. These young people gave their lives because of their faith in God. King Mwanga despised the Christian religion, and they were all laid on the pyre and burnt. The challenges of the followers of Christ have always been there, and it will continue for all those who chose to embrace the way of God. This fact should always guide us in whatever we do, it is not happening to you alone, your brothers and sisters in the faith are also passing through similar situations. The good news amidst all the challenges is the fact that God is always with us, he never allows us to face the situation on our own. All we need to do at such moments is to trust in him, pray and continue to do our best.  Let this fact always be your source of strength and solace in your journey of faith. Remember, his grace is sufficient for you. Whenever your human strength fails you, the grace of God will come to assist you.

In the gospel reading of today from St. Mark, we are presented with the story of the ungrateful tenants in the vineyard. They were not grateful to the owner of the vineyard who employed them to work for him, that is why they refused to give him his due when the time came and decided to kill and humiliate all those, he sent to them. They allowed their greed to take possession of them, and they wanted to take over the vineyard that does not belong to them and refused to do the needful. This parable that was told by Jesus, is for all of us as children of God. The action of those working in the vineyard was bad and evil, that will most likely be the conclusion of most of us, if not all of us.

However, have you taken time to reflect about their action towards the vineyard owner? Is it possible that you are also doing something similar in your own life? When you live an ungrateful life, by not appreciating whatever good you have received, you are simply doing the same thing. We must learn to be grateful for all the good deeds we receive from other people, no matter how small we think they are. May God grant us the grace to be grateful, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.




Monday of the 9th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp