Tuesday of the 9th week in ordinary time

2 Pete 3: 12-15a. 17-18     Mark 12: 13-17

Theme: Prepare for a new heaven

In the 1st reading of today from 2nd Peter, we are encouraged to prepare for a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. What this means by implication is that we should all embrace a life that is good and pleasing in the sight of God. Peter is talking about a situation when the things of God will reign supreme in the world. A situation in which works of darkness will have no place any more in the lives of people, in their families and in the world at large. It is a situation in which, the ways of the world will become less popular, while the ways of God will become very popular. This is a way of preparing for the new heaven and new earth that represents Gods plan for his people. We must live good and holy lives, that will enthrone the presence of God in our lives, families and in the world. This is a task that we must take upon ourselves as Christians and followers of Christ. As ambassadors of Christ, we are encouraged to live a life that is above board and truly represents us as children and followers of God.

It is never too late for us to retrace our steps and return to the right path that St. Peter is encouraging us in the 1st reading to live in our own lives. God always gives us the opportunity to return to him whenever we make that personal decision to retrace our steps. The most important thing is your sincere resolve to turn away from your past lifestyle that is not good and pleasing to God. The moment you make that decision sincerely and put in the work, God will be by your side to make it come through for you. This is what is needed in our world today, to challenge the ways of the world that most people have willingly embrace, as against the ways of God that requests for the best from you.

The way of the world takes you through the path that will easily lead you to destruction and guide you to embrace the ways and practice of the world. The way of God that will lead us to be partakers of the new heaven and new earth, is narrow and difficult and only a few are willing to embrace it; but it leads to eternal life. It is this same path that the 1st reading of today is encouraging us to declare for and make use of in our own lives. Never think it is not possible for you to achieve it, the grace of God will give you the support you need to make it happen. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.



Tuesday of the 9th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp