Wednesday of the 9th week in ordinary time

2 Tim. 1: 1-3.6-12     Mark 12: 18-27

Theme: Activate your gift

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Boniface, a monk from England who went to Germany to spread the good news of Christ. He built monasteries and became a Bishop. He was martyred on his way to spread the gospel of Christ. He activated the gifts given to him by God and used it in the propagation of the good news. God is generous with his gifts and has given everyone of us different gifts. We are all encouraged today to make use of the gifts that God has given to us for the glory of God and the good of humanity. This is exactly what St. Paul is encouraging Timothy to do in the 1st reading of today, as he also assures him of the fact that he is not alone, God is with him. This is the same story for all of us as followers of Christ in our own time.

The gift God has given you must not be left dormant, it should be used for the good of humanity and to the greater glory of God. You must be content with the gift that God has given to you, the more you make good use of it, the more he will bless you with more gifts. Never join the group of those who think God has made mistake by giving them a gift they feel they don’t want, and they continue to long for other gifts they seemingly prefer. It is a big mistake to join this group of people. You forget that God knows each one of us better than we know ourselves and he knows the gift that is best for us. All you need to do is to appreciate what God has given to you and make good use of it, and his blessings will abound in your life.

 It is when you have made good use of the one, he has given to you, before you can begin to make request for another gift that you feel you also need. Suffice it to say that contentment is very important in this situation. Remember, God never makes mistake, and he knows what is best for you. A gift that is left dormant is a wasted gift, and you still want to get another gift. Let the parable of the talents always be your guide and you will be fruitful and multiply and God will continue to bless all your endeavours. As you continue to strive to make good use of the gifts God has given you, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.



Wednesday of the 9th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp