Friday of the 11th week in ordinary time

2 Kings 11: 1-4.9-18,20    Mathew 6: 19-23

Theme: When God is with you

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, a religious. In today’s 1st reading, we see how Athaliah destroyed all the royal family because she lost her son. But the life of Joash was spared because God was not done with him. Jehosheba the sister of Ahaziah took him away and hid him; that was how the life of Joash was spared until the appointed time when he was crowned a king. When God is for us, who can be against us? It is always important that anything we do in life, we must ensure that God is a part of it. While the whole royal family was destroyed, the life of Joash was preserved.


This simply shows that when the hand of God is upon you, he will always protect and direct all that happens in your life. Dear friends in Christ, sometimes the direction of God for us may not be exactly what we want, but we must try to be patient and follow him according to his direction; He will never lead us astray. When we give God a chance in our life, he uses different situations and people to fulfil his heart desires in our life; we just must trust in Gods process and give him a chance in our lives. One thing that is sure is the fact that God will always lead us to victory in any given situation in our life, if we give him a chance. The question is that situation you are presently passing through in your life, is God part of it?

 In today’s gospel reading, Jesus says our heart is always where our treasure is. If God is your treasure, then it will be easy for you to make him part of your life and everything that concerns you. There is no better time for us to give God a chance in our life than now. He is always ready to accept us each time we return to him like the prodigal son, he will never send us away. Let us try to have things that really matter as the treasure in our lives. Remember that whatever choice we make today, will help to shape our tomorrow.

May God grant us the grace to have the right treasure in our life. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.





Friday of the 11th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp