Tuesday of the 13th week in ordinary time

Amos 3: 1-8, 4: 11-12   Mathew 8: 23-27

Theme: The storms of life

In the gospel reading of today from St. Mathew, the disciples of Jesus encountered storm as they sailed on the sea, and they were scared and had to call out to Jesus to rescue them from the storm. He rebuked the storm, and the sea was calm again. He referred to his disciples as men of little faith. The question he asked his disciples, is the same question he is asking all of us today. Why are you afraid? What is that storm in your life now that is scaring you, because you are overwhelmed? Why not reach out to Jesus today like the disciples did and he rebuked the storm and there was calm again. He is always willing to come to our assistance when we call upon him in times of trouble. He will never allow the storms of life to drown you, just trust in him and present that situation in your life to him. Don’t be discouraged by what people may have said about the situation, have faith and take it to God in prayer.

Remember that you are dealing with a God who does not change, he is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has done greater things than what you are presently going through in your life, why not give it a try today and see what God has in stock for you. Just know that God is not done with you yet, so anything is still very possible, irrespective of what you are going through now in your life. If we are alive, we are bound to experience storms in our lives, we must pray and trust in God, so that he will always come through for us at such moments in our lives. It is not limited to only you as an individual, everyone has his or her own storm in life, just that so many people are managing theirs in such a way that it is not known to you.

Always draw strength from the fact that you have God on your side, when you are faced with the storms and challenges of life. Just take the situation to God in prayer, while you do your best. It is always important that you reach out to God like the disciples did. They did not keep quiet and say he is with us, so we have no need to be afraid. Their action also points out the fact that they trusted and had faith in Jesus, that he can rescue them from the storm, and he came through for them and the sea was calm again. Trust in God always, because even the storms of life obey him. May the Lord continue to strengthen our faith in times of trials, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 13th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp