Saturday of the 13th week in the ordinary time

Amos 9: 11-15    Mathew 9: 14-17

Theme: A message of restoration

In today’s 1st reading from the prophet Amos, we see the mercy of God at play. He has decided to forgive the people of Israel and restore all their lost glory. This goes to show us the kind of God that we serve, his mercy endures forever. No matter the sin we may have committed, if we show sincere repentance, he will forgive us our sins and restore our lost glory; just like he did with the Israelites. He does not want any one of us his children to get lost, but rather to be able to attain eternal life at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. As far as God is concerned, we all deserve another chance, and nobody should be written off completely. God loves us so much that he presents us with the opportunity to be reconciled with him and build a good relationship with him.


Dear friends in Christ, a very important question for all of us today is, why have you refused to forgive yourself? Sometimes God forgives us in the sacrament of reconciliation, but some of us refuse to forgive ourselves and we continue to repeat the same sin that God has forgiven already. One thing that is worthy of note is the fact that we are still serving the same God who said that even if our sins is as red as scarlet, he will make them as white as snow. He has not changed; he is still the same. It is important dearly beloved in Christ that we must never take the mercy of God for granted, but always do our best to live a life that is good and always pleasing to God.

The response to the psalm says that ‘the Lord speaks of peace for his people’. This is because of the nature of God. His desire is for the good of his people and not evil. This can also help us throw some insight on today’s gospel. The disciples of Jesus do not fast because the bridegroom is still with them, when he is no longer with them, they will fast. The presence of God in our life is very important, that is why we must do our best to build a good relationship with him. There is no better friend we need in our life than Jesus Christ. He is a friend that is tested and trusted; he will always stand by you, no matter the situation you find yourself in life. He is a faithful friend that is willing to forgive us whenever we show sincere remorse for our sins.

May almighty God restore your lost glory like that of the Israelites, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.




Saturday of the 13th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp