Thursday of the 15th week in ordinary time

Isaiah 26: 7-9.12. 16-19    Mathew 11: 28-30

Theme: A loving father

The scenario that plays out in the gospel reading of today can only be found in the life of a loving father. This is exactly who Jesus is to you and I as his followers. He is concerned about our wellbeing, that is why he is inviting us his followers to come to him, and he will give us an insight on how to carry the challenges of life without being consumed by them. This is because his yoke is easy and his burden light. The assertion of Jesus in today’s gospel reading should be a source of great strength to Christians all over the world. This statement should always strengthen our faith, especially in times of challenges in our life. If we truly believe that Jesus is a loving father, my brothers and sisters in Christ, then we must not grieve over any situation that confronts us, but rather take it to Jesus who has all the answers and solutions that we seek.

However, in practice we must always be steadfast in faith, otherwise the storms of life will overwhelm us when they come, if we are not standing on the solid rock who is Jesus himself. One thing we must never forget is the fact that God does not lie, if he says it, he will do it. Why not take that situation that is disturbing you now in your life, family and business to him, and see how he handles the situation. He is still the same Jesus that spoke to the storm in the sea and there was calm. Just trust in him today and give him a chance in your life, and he will show you that he is the same yesterday, today and forever; he does not change.

Dear friends in Christ, the assertion of the prophet Isaiah in today’s 1st reading, is an invitation to live a righteous life. He presents to us the fact that God is happy and very pleased with us when we are righteous and holy. He will prepare our path for us, in a way that will help us attain eternal life when we are done with our earthly pilgrimage. It is an invitation that is too good to be ignored my brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all capable of living a righteous life, never say I cannot do it; remember the grace of God is sufficient for you. Just make conscious effort and God will supply whatever is left. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.



Thursday of the 15th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp