Wednesday of the 16th week in the ordinary time

Jeremiah 1: 1, 4-10     Mathew 13: 1-9

Theme: Gods call

In the 1st reading of today, we see the call of the prophet Jeremiah. He was feeling inadequate to perform the work of God, forgetting that when God calls us to partake of his mission, he qualifies us and empowers us for the work ahead. In the same way, God has called all of us as children of God and Christians, to be partakers of his ministry and true ambassadors for Christ wherever we find ourselves in life. Being part of the mission of Christ is not limited to only priests and nuns, but to all of us as children of God. The question today is what is keeping us away from taking the word of God to the ends of the earth?


The call of the prophet Jeremiah should be a source of great strength for all of us as children of God. In the mission of God, never feel that your success is dependent on you; just do your best and God will bless your effort. Our sincerity in carrying out the work of God and humility is very important. It is also important to note that you may not see or reap the fruit of your discipleship as fast as you want it; it is God that will bless your work at his own time. It is always important to remember that by virtue of your baptism, God has empowered you to be his witness by word and deed wherever you find yourself. As witnesses we are capable of winning souls for Christ by our deeds.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus presents to us the parable of the Sower, which tells us about the seed that was sown and how our disposition had a role to play in what was finally produced. The seed that fell on fertile ground produced a hundred-fold, sixty-fold and thirty-fold. While those that fell on rocky ground, could not stand the test of time. some fell along the path and the birds came and devoured them. Dear friends in Christ, the word of God that we receive at different times in our life, are they bearing fruits, or they cannot stand the difficulties and challenges of life? The parable of the Sower gives us the opportunity to reflect on the word of God that we listen to and its influence in our daily life.

May God grant us the grace to make good use of the word of God that is sown in our lives, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.




Wednesday of the 16th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp