The feast of St. James (Apostle)

2 Cor. 4: 7-15    Mathew 20: 20-28

Theme: A source of great strength

Today the church celebrates the feast of St. James the Apostle, the brother of St. John, the sons of Zebedee. He was the 1st among the Apostles to shed his blood for his faith in Christ Jesus. He was also known as one of those that were very close to Jesus Christ. This is seen in the story of the transfiguration and at Gethsemane when Jesus invited them as he went to pray. His faith in Christ Jesus is worthy of emulation, even in the face of death, he stood firm and was willing to shed his blood for his convictions in Christ Jesus.


In the first reading of today, St. Paul gives us an insight about what we should expect because of our call to discipleship. It should be a source of great strength for all believers and when it begins to happen, we should be ready and prepared to handle it in such a way that it will not overwhelm us. However, we must stand strong because the strength of God that is in us as children of God will always protect and strengthen us when we are faced with difficult situations that will ordinarily overwhelm us as human beings. Always remember at such moments that God does not fail or disappoint all those who trust in him. He is ever present to help us fight our battles and win us victory when we trust in him and do all within our power to live like true children of God that we are called to be.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, the assertion of Jesus about the request of the mother of James and John, points out the fact that as children of God, we should be more concerned about the things that matters most in our life and in our call to discipleship. Jesus presents to us as children of God what is most important when we occupy positions of authority. It is not an opportunity for us to become oppressive towards those we lead, but rather an opportunity for us to be at the service of all those we lead, just like Jesus our Lord and master. The success of our leadership is dependent on how we can guide all those we lead without making them less important as human persons; but rather by empowering them and giving them the reasons to continue to praise and appreciate God for what he is doing in your life.

Dearly beloved in Christ, for us to be able to achieve this servant leadership model like Jesus, we must be ready to be selfless and always think about the good and comfort of all those we lead. May God grant us the grace to emulate the servant model in every situation of leadership that we find ourselves in life. May almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.




The Feast of St. James, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp