Memorial of SS Joachim and Ann

Jeremiah 3: 14-17    Mathew 13: 18-23

Theme: The joy of parenthood

Today as the church celebrates the memorial of SS Joachim and Ann, the parents of our Mother Mary; it presents us the opportunity to reflect on issues about parenthood and the family life. We celebrate both of them today as Saints because they did a good job as parents and willingly gave the Blessed Virgin Mary as the mother of Jesus. This is very important because at that time there were so many other maidens in Israel, but their own daughter was chosen to carry out the very important job of being the mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is an opportunity for us to reflect about the kind of legacy we are living behind for the younger ones and from parents to their children. As parents you must do all within your power to ensure that you guide your children in such a way that they will be a blessing to themselves, their family and the society at large. If this is not taken into consideration from the very beginning, you may not get it right and later regret what the child will turn out to be at the end. We are all encouraged to perform our role as adults and parents as it concerns the life of the younger ones around us. It is our duty to lead them on the right path and not to lead them astray by taking them away from the path of salvation.

In the 1st reading of today, we see the prophet Jeremiah and the people of Israel begging for the forgiveness of their sins, having acknowledged the fact that they have sinned against God by their word and actions. The people are remorseful, and they return to seek the mercy of God with great humility. In the same way, this is an opportunity for us to also return to God remorsefully if we have failed in one way or the other as adults or parents and beg for the mercy of God, while we promise him to mend our ways and do what is right and pleasing to God. It is never too late to return to God and make amends; he is ever ready to forgive us when we come with a sincere heart.


Dear friends in Christ, we pray that through the intercession of Saints Joachim and Ann, parents will carry out their responsibility towards their children more diligently. May almighty God bless you as you do this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.



Friday of the 16th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp