Monday of the 17th week in ordinary time

Jeremiah 13: 1-11   Mathew 13: 31-35

Theme: The Truth


Today the church celebrates the memorial of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus. This is a family that was referred to in the scripture as the friends of Jesus. In the gospel reading of today, Jesus visited Martha and Mary, at a time that they were grieving because of the death of their brother Lazarus. But when Martha saw Jesus, she made a proclamation of faith that shows the depth of her faith in Christ Jesus. She believed that Jesus had the power to change the situation they have found themselves, she said ‘I believe that anything you ask the father he will do it for you; and Jesus did not disappoint them. My brothers and sisters in Christ, can you also make that proclamation of faith today, just like Martha did? Believing that whatever storm you are going through now in your life, God will intervene and change the narrative of your life? Just present it to God in faith today and see him do it for you; just like he did it for Martha, Mary and Lazarus. He has not changed; he is the same yesterday, today and forever.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the 1st reading of today, we see the prophet Jeremiah delivering the message of God to the people of Judah. It was a message that invites the people to turn away from their sinful and evil ways and return to God, lest they bring the anger of God upon themselves. The prophet as a messenger of God delivered the message just as he was sent by God. The people could not accept the message of the prophet Jeremiah, but rather threatened to kill him. One would have expected that as people of God they would have looked at the message more positively by reflecting on the message and accepting the call for repentance that was presented to them by God through the prophet Jeremiah.


Dear friends in Christ, are we in any way different from the people of Judah in today’s 1st reading? Your guess is as good as mine. Remember, that it was not outright condemnation for them; there was an opportunity to change and avert what God is going to do if they do not repent. Most times people find it difficult to accept the truth about them that is not favourable to them. Instead of reflecting about it and telling ourselves the truth and then make amends, we begin to fight the source of the truth. Objectively, this should not be our disposition towards the truth about us.


 Nobody is perfect and we are all capable of learning new things about ourselves and actions why not humbly accept the truth about you and work towards becoming a better person. This is something that is worthy of our time, whenever it comes up, not minding through whom it is coming, whether friend or foe. This will go a long way towards making us a better people. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.




Monday of the 17th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp