Friday of the 18th week in ordinary time
Nahum 1: 15; 2:2; 3: 1-3.6-7 Mathew 16: 24-28
Theme: The cross of Christ
In the gospel reading of today, Jesus presents to us some of the wonderful attributes that we should possess in our life as children of God. He started by telling us about the fact that the cross is our identity as his followers of Christ, and we cannot run away from it. In the life of Jesus, we can see the place of the cross, from his birth to his death on the cross. The cross we may encounter at one time or the other in our life, may not be exactly like that of Jesus; but it would surely test the strength of our faith in Christ Jesus. Often in our life, the crosses we encounter may be discomforting, but it must never affect our faith in God. This is because our Lord and master carried his own cross onto victory, and so will all those who trust in him and remain steadfast in their faith in God at such times.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the gospel reading, Jesus also talked about the need for self-emptying, by so doing letting go and letting God. By implication, it simply means that what drives us is the love of God and the common good; simply put, we die to the self. We think less about ourselves and think more about God and other people. Taking into consideration the happenings around the world today, this will be a wonderful way through which we can impact positively on the lives of all those who encounter us. With this practice there will be a shift away from the self to the other, and this is greatly needed in our world today. One thing we must know is the fact that it is never too late for us to begin this journey of faith that will help us to become a better person and help all those who encounter us.
Dear friends in Christ, today’s liturgy is simply reminding us about what is expected of us as followers of Christ. It is an invitation that will take a lot from us but will be worth all the stress at the end. Don’t be afraid to make this leap of faith, just trust in God and put in your best towards making it a reality in your personal life. As you accept this great challenge today, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.