Tuesday of the 19th week in the ordinary time

Ezekiel 2: 8-3:4     Mathew 18: 1-5. 10. 12-14

Theme: Human quest for power

In the gospel reading of today, we see the disciples of Jesus, enquiring about who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Human quest for power is seen even amongst the followers of Christ. However, Jesus uses every available opportunity to teach all those around him. As his Disciples desire to be the greatest in the kingdom, he presents to them what matters most and should rather occupy their minds. He talks about the need for us to have the disposition and openness of little children. One would expect that the issue of the quest for power should not be found amongst the Disciples of Christ, taking into consideration all that Jesus have taught them. Today Jesus tells us that what qualifies us to be the greatest in the kingdom of God is that we must humble ourselves like little children.

Dear friends in Christ, Jesus also shows us the extent he can go to ensure that we have life in abundance. The soul of everyone is very important to him, and he does not want any of us to perish. That is why as children of God, we reciprocate his love for us by following his teachings from the word of God and humbling ourselves like little children. On a day like this, it is important that we reflect on the level of our faithfulness to God, who goes out of his way to show us love, that we do not deserve. We are encouraged today to make effort to live like little children if we truly want to make the kingdom of heaven at the end of our earthly pilgrimage. Suffice it to say that we must strive to go after things that truly matter in our life as children of God that we are called to be.

The 1st reading from the prophet Ezekiel, points out to us the reason why we must take the word of God seriously and make good use of it in our daily lives.  It should be treated as something that is very important, and it must reflect in our actions and in our human relationship, not just by our word of mouth. The more we can put the word into practice in our daily lives, the better people we will become. May almighty God bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.


Tuesday of the 19th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp