Monday of the 21st week in ordinary time

2 Thessalonians 1: 1-5. 11b-12    Mathew 23: 13-22

Theme: Appreciation


In the 1st reading of today, we see St. Paul appreciating the Thessalonian church for their uprightness and way of life. This is because, whatever is good is good, no one can change it, and good people will always appreciate it. The assertion of Paul to the Thessalonian church is because of their faith and love for each other, which reflects in their worshipping community. In such a community, there are bound to be growth and peace, because they look out for one another. In the same way, we are all encouraged to also cultivate this type of practice in our faith community and do all within our power to promote the kingdom of God here on earth; through the love that we show to one another, instead of gossips, jealousy and envy, that are destructive.


Appreciation is a wonderful attribute that we must imbibe in our lives as children of God. Thus, let us emulate the action of St. Paul in todays 2nd reading by appreciating the love, gift and kindness that is shown to us at different times in our lives. This is very important, irrespective of how small we think the gift or help that we have received is. The fact that it was done for us, is enough to appreciate the giver. Remember, he or she could also decide not to do whatever it is that has been done. It doesn’t make us less who we are, it rather attracts the blessings of both God and others towards us when we appreciate whatever we have received.


Jesus is hard on the Scribes and Pharisees today in the gospel of Mathew, and he calls them blind guides who are leading others astray. The assertion of Jesus to them today is also saying something to all of us as children of God. In your dealings with people are you honest and sincere or you often have a hidden agenda that will favour you at the detriment of others? Or externally you present a front that is misleading and does not represent your intentions?

May the Lord grant us the grace to be appreciative in our human relationships, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.




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Monday of the 21st week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp
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