The memorial of St. Monica

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3a. 14-17    Mathew 23: 23-26

Theme: The ways of God

Today the church celebrates a woman of great faith, St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine. Her life should be a source of great strength to all of us who go by the name Christian, and especially to parents who are facing one form of challenge or the other from their children. She did not give up on her son Augustine, but rather she continued to pray for him until her prayer was answered by God. Her love for her first son Augustine and her persistence in prayer played a major role towards the conversion of St. Augustine whom we celebrate in the church as a saint. Her prayers and tears for the conversion of her son did not go in vain. Just trust God and commit that child to God in prayer.

In view of this, I want to encourage all of us as Christians, to remain steadfast in prayer and trust in the loving mercy of God. Just like St. Monica whose feast we celebrate today, I also want to encourage parents who have children with similar traits like St. Augustine before his conversion, to emulate St. Monica. Show the child love and take him or her to God in prayer. Just like the case of St. Augustine, at the appointed time God will intervene and grant you your heart’s desire. Never give up on your child, no matter how bad the situation is now. If God has not given up on him or her, why do you give up? It needs patience and faith, because what you seek may not come as fast as you want it to come; but one thing that is certain is that God will surely come through for you and your family at his own time.

Dear friends in Christ, today’s celebration should be a source of great strength for families. This is because of how God answered the prayers of St. Monica after the rough life Augustine lived, it simply means that your own situation will surely come to an end; if you trust him, have faith and continue to pray until something positive happens. The extent to which St. Monica went for the conversion of her son Augustine, will be greatly appreciated if we spare sometime to read “the confession of St. Augustine”; he told the story himself. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.






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Tuesday of the 21st week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp
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