Thursday of the 22nd week in ordinary time

1 Cor. 3: 18-23      Luke 5: 1-11

Theme: Obedience to the voice of God


In the gospel reading of today from St. Luke, we see how obedience to the voice or word of God can turn things around in our lives. Ordinarily, some of us would have found it difficult to obey what Jesus said to Peter, knowing fully well that Peter and his companions were professional fishermen and Jesus was not a fisherman. The fact that they were patient and did what he requested, changed everything for them. Any good fisherman would tell you that the best time to make a good catch is at night. But they toiled all night and could not get something, and Jesus comes during the day and tells them to put out their net, and they obeyed and got a massive catch.


This simply shows that when God is involved in any situation in our lives, all the laws and protocols can be broken. He is not limited by science or human understanding, nothing stops him. The most important thing is for you to pray that God intervenes in any situation that you find yourself in life. With him on your side, nothing can stop him, and you are assured that everything will end to the glory of God and for your own good. After the massive catch that they had, Peter fell on his kneel and asked Jesus to depart from him, for he is a sinner. This was Peters way of acknowledging the fact that what just happened to them was simply a miracle and it can only be God.


Also, in the gospel reading, Jesus calls four of his Apostles. Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, and James and John, sons of Zebedee. We are told that after the miracle they experienced, they left everything and accepted the invitation of Jesus to be fisher of men. This brings me to a very important question today, what have you left to follow Christ? We are told that these men left everything and followed Christ. If we truly desire to follow Christ by accepting his invitation, we must be ready to make a sacrifice. We cannot go with all our baggage’s if we truly want to follow God. There is a price that we must have to pay, just like the Apostles did in the gospel reading of today. As you strive to make this happen in your life, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.



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Thursday of the 22nd week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp
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