Saturday of the 22nd week in ordinary time

1 Cor. 4: 6b-15    Luke 6: 1-5

Theme: They are all gifts…

In the 1st reading of today from the 1st letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, he points out a very important point, that is worthy of our time. The question of St. Paul to the church in Corinth is also very relevant in our own time.  The question is, “what do you have that you did not receive”? Everything that you own today is a gift from God, not necessarily because you are the most hardworking person, it is simply because of God’s grace. This is because there are people working harder than you. Yet, they are not recording success like you. Thus, St. Paul is simply saying that we must humble ourselves when we enjoy the grace and blessings of God. It should not make you arrogant or become a proud person. One thing we must always remember is the fact that whatever blessings God has given to us, should not center around us and our family and friends alone. We must learn to emulate Christ and be generous also to people that are not close to us, and sometimes to people we do not even know. This is exactly how God operates with all of us. His blessings are not limited to a selected few, rather it is all inclusive.

This issue became necessary, because there was a growing division among the people, and St. Paul used it to teach them that they are all one and they should treat each other as brothers and sisters, without excluding anyone. This same situation is found amongst us as Christians in our own time. People form different types of groups and divisions in the church because of their selfish desires. They forget that they are dealing with things about God and are supposed to do things the way Christ would have done it, given the same situation. Always remember that we are all called to build the body of Christ and not to cause confusion or division in the church. Whatever gift or talent that we have received from God, should be used for the greater glory of God and for the good of humanity. It should be used as a tool to manipulate others or cause division among the people. If for anything, use your gift to bring people together and foster unity, peace and love.

We are all encouraged today to live a life of humility and service, just like Jesus Christ did, irrespective of what we think we own or possess. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

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Saturday of the 22nd week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp
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