Exaltation of the cross (Feast)

Numbers 21: 4b-9    Philippians 2: 6-11    John 3: 13-17

Theme: In the cross is our peace

Today the church celebrates the feast of the exaltation of the cross. A celebration that reminds us of who we are and the role of the cross in our lives as children of God. In the life of Jesus and in his mission, we see the importance of the cross, and its role in the history of our salvation. Humanly speaking, most people are not comfortable with the cross in their lives, and they do everything possible to ensure that their lives are devoid of the cross. However, what we don’t seem to understand is the fact that if we are alive, we cannot run away from the cross. This is because the cross is our identity as children of God, and it plays a great role in our lives as Christians. The cross is central in our Christian story, taking into consideration the fact that Jesus won us salvation by going to the cross. No matter how we live our lives we cannot run away from the crosses and difficulties of life. The most important thing is that we must be ready and always prepared, so that whenever it comes, we will be ready to handle it without seeing it as something negative and working against our own good.

Dearly beloved in Christ, Jesus won us salvation on the cross. In the cross is our peace, joy and salvation. The cross should be seen as a source of great strength to all of us as Christians. Irrespective of the fact that it can bring us discomfort and pain. This is because Jesus and our Ancestors in faith all went through the way of the cross in their lifetime, and today we celebrate them in the church. They trusted in God and remained steadfast and focussed until the end of their earthly journey. In the same way we are all encouraged to look up to God in times of difficulties and the challenges of life. Sometimes we carry crosses in our life for our own good. At other times it prepares us for the blessings of God that awaits us in the future. Be prayerful and steadfast, it may become a stepping stone that will take you to greater height. Just know that we cannot avoid crosses in our lives, but we can face them with a strong faith and believe in Christ Jesus.

In the cross of Christ, we see God’s love for his people and his humility. Jesus went to the cross because of his love for humanity, at a time when we do not deserve it. In view of this, we must pray for the grace to face the crosses that come to us in life with courage and strength. Jesus willingly went to the cross to die for us while we were still sinners. We are all encouraged today to face the crosses of life that comes to us with great love, just like Jesus did in his own time. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.




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Exaltation of the cross (Feast), by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp
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