Monday of the 24th week in ordinary time

1 Cor. 11: 17-26.33    Luke 7: 1-10

Theme: Selfless love

Today the church celebrates the memorial of Saints Cornelius and Cyprian, Pope, Bishop and Martyrs. They were two of our Ancestors in faith, who gave their lives for their faith in God. They were convinced about their belief in God and willingly gave everything. In the same way, you and I must do all within our power to show the depth of God’s love for us; by living our faith in a way that is pleasing to God. Dear friends in Christ, what is the quality of your faith in Christ Jesus? How much are you willing to give because of your faith in God? He has giving us so much already, so there is nothing we decide to sacrifice right now for the sake of God that will be greater than what he has given to us already. This is exactly what we are expected to do as a sign of appreciation for what he has done for us.

In the 1st reading of today, we see St. Paul addressing an issue that was coming up in the Corinthian church at that time. There are different factions amongst the people, and it is creating disunity and division amongst the people. So, St. Paul is pointing out the fact that such an attitude should not be found in their midst, because it is working against the desire of God for his people. What is expected from them as people of God is that they should live a life that promotes the imperatives of the gospel. Such as, love, peace, unity, forgiveness, mercy and compassion, just like Jesus did. Interestingly, this situation that Paul found in the Corinthian church is still found in our churches today. We must take seriously the admonition of St. Paul today and do all within our power to guard against anything that will bring about disunity and division in the Body of Christ. Let us all work to build the Body of Christ, just like Jesus did in his own time.

The action of the Centurion in St. Luke’s gospel, greatly impressed Jesus Christ. His humility and faith in God. Even with his position in the society, he humbled himself and did not see himself worthy to have Jesus under his roof. But rather he should make the proclamation, and his servant will be healed. We all have a lot to learn from the action of the centurion. The centurion was pleading for his servant, this is the sign of great love and humility. Many of us would not have gone that far for a servant. We are all encouraged today to emulate the saints whose memorial we celebrate today and the centurion in today’s gospel reading. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.

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Monday of the 24th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp
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