Friday of the 29th week in the ordinary time

Ephesians 4: 1-6    Luke 12: 54-59

Theme: Walk according to your call

In our 1st reading of today, from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we are all encouraged to live a life that is worthy of our call as children of God. St. Paul is saying that we should live a life that is good and worthy of emulation, just like our Lord and master Jesus Christ. Our life should be guided by the imperatives of the gospel, such that it will promote peace, love unity and joy. When all these wonderful virtues are found in our lives as children of God, it will be easier for us to impact positively in the lives around us. The light that accompanies us as children of God will continue to burn brightly and dispel everything that is not of God wherever we find ourselves. When this is achieved in our lives as individuals and as a family, it will naturally reflect in our society; and the world in which we live will become a better place. The works of darkness will have little or no place in our life, family and in our society, because the light of Christ that we carry will not give it a chance.


Dearly beloved in Christ, for us to be able to achieve all this, we must be ready for the challenges and difficulties that we will encounter. This stems from the fact that, those who benefit from the works of darkness cannot fold their hands and allow you to make them ineffective; they will rather fight back. However, the good news is that light will always overcome darkness; all we need to do is to remain steadfast and be prayerful. When we have done what is humanly possible in our situation, God will supply whatever is left to give us victory. It is important that we are conscious of who we are as children of God and allow it to guide us in all our actions.

The words of St. Paul in today’s 1st reading, presents us the opportunity to reflect on our identity as Christians. Does your lifestyle and daily life portray you as a Christian? Simply put, do you live a life that is worthy of the name Christian? If your answer is yes, then keep it up; you are on the right path already. However, if your answer is no, it is never too late to return to God by retracing our steps, he is waiting patiently for us to come back to him, and he will lead us to the right path again. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.



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Friday of the 29th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp
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