Thursday of the 32nd week in ordinary time
Philemon 7: 20 Luke 17:20-25
Theme: The power of intercession
In the 1st reading of today from St. Paul’s letter to Philemon, we see the power of intercession. Paul is appealing to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus, who was his slave and have wronged him. He went to the point of telling Philemon that Onesimus is an asset to both of them, because he has changed for the better, and he is willing to pay whatever he owes Philemon. As children of God and Christians in our own time, we have a lot of things to learn from what plays out in the 1st reading of today. St. Paul was willing to go all the way for the sake of Onesimus.
Dearly beloved in Christ, how many of us would willingly stick out their neck for a slave who have wronged master? Ordinarily, many of us would not want to get involved in such a case, let alone going all the way for that person before his or her master. It is also important to point out the fact that there was remorse and repentance from Onesimus, and he changed for the better. It would have been something different if Paul is just begging that Philemon should forgive him, without any form of remorse or change on his part. So, it is important that as we expect forgiveness from those we have offended, we must also be ready to change and turn away from whatever we may have done that is not good. This type of change will go a long way towards making our society a better place.
In the gospel reading of today from St. Luke, Jesus tells his audience that God is in their midst, it is the same in our own time. He is not far from you or anyone else. The question is, do you have a place for him in your life, family and in your community? This is a call for us to live a life that is worthy of that name Christian, so that we would not have to struggle to convince people about the nearness or presence of God in their lives, because it will be very visible to them in the way people live their lives and what is happening around them. The more we live a true Christian life, the easier it will be for people to feel the presence of God in their daily lives. May the Lord bless his words in our hearts, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.