Friday of the 33rd week in ordinary time
Rev. 10: 8-11 Luke 19: 45-48
Theme: A house of prayer
Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians; she was a virgin and martyr. As we celebrate her memorial today, we are all encouraged to embrace her purity of life and faith in God. It is such that she willingly gave her life for her belief. We all need this type of faith and courage in our lives.
In the gospel reading of today, from Saint Luke we see a very angry Jesus. In anger, he chased out people who have turned the temple to a den of robbers, instead of a place of prayer. The action of Jesus is a reminder to all of us about what is expected of us in a temple or church. It is a place of prayer and encounter between the divine and the worshippers. The temple has been used as a place of business and exploitation of the people. Suffice it to say therefore, that the people were desecrating the sacred place of worship.
Dear friends in Christ, if Jesus were to be physically present in our world today, what will he say to us? Today, are our churches truly devoid of business, and solely a place of prayer? Your guess is as good as mine. The most important thing for us today, is the fact that we should always treat the church as a sacred place and a place for prayer. This is what Jesus is saying to you and me today. Anything that does not promote the sacredness of our place of worship will make Jesus angry. One of the easiest ways through which some people are doing the wrong thing in our place of worship today, is through communicating with their phones while they are in church. This may seem small to us, but it is not right, and we must guide against it in the church. Whatever we want to do on the social media can be done before we get into the church or when we are outside the church.
Dearly beloved in Christ, let us always treat the church as a sacred place and respect God’s presence. When there is need for leaders of the church to make such corrections, it is proper to do it. You don’t necessarily have to chase people out, but communication is very important. We must learn to correct and encourage each other to always do the right thing. Keeping quiet and not saying anything to that effect could cause some problems in the future.
We are all encouraged today to continue to strive to do what is always right. Not only in sacred places, but wherever we find ourselves. May God grant us the grace to always do what is right and always pleasing to him, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.