Today is the 4th Sunday of advent. A culmination of our preparation for the coming of Christ that we started since the 1st Sunday of advent. We see the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah. He talks about the virgin carrying a child; God in our midst. This prophecy is fulfilled in the gospel reading of today, from St. Mathew. He points out the fact that God is in our midst; that is the meaning of the name of the child (Emmanuel). Last week Sunday we celebrated the rejoice Sunday, and we said we are rejoicing because of the nearness of the Messiah. While on this 4th Sunday, we are told that God is with us; he is in our midst, he is in our life and he is among us. The God that is in our midst and among us, invites us to live a life that is worthy of the name Christian. A life that is worthy of the name a disciple. That is why dear friends in Christ, when we take all these into consideration and the fact that we have been preparing and continue to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, who is already in our midst; it is important that we look critically at the gospel of today.

Taking into consideration the role of our mother Mary and that of Joseph. It is the action of these two people that brings to fulfilment the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah. They lived and believed strongly on the will of God. Taking into consideration the implications of the choice they have made. In the sense that they have been chosen by God to carry out a task that is unheard of and can put them into trouble with their people. They believed and trusted in God, without allowing what they people will say or do become a setback to them and the choice they have made. They were positively disposed and resolved to go through with their decision and the choice they have made.

Dear friends in Christ, on this 4th Sunday of advent, let us resolve to take seriously the will of God in our lives. He never fails us or leads us astray. He rather leads us to greener pasture and make everything better for our own good. The will of God comes in different ways in our life. It can come through the scripture; the word of God and sometimes through the people around us. The question is, how are we disposed to live in accordance with the will of God for us? Sometimes we are faced with conflicting interests, what we want is not what God has willed for us. At such moments, do we let our desires go, and allow the will of God to take pre-eminence? One thing we have to realize dear friends in Christ, is the fact that the will of God is always best for us. He never wills evil for us. Sometimes knowingly or unknowingly we fight against the will of God for us because that is not our heart desire.

The attitude of Mary and Joseph from the gospel reading of today, should prompt us to positively dispose ourselves towards the will of God for us like they did. Always remember that we serve a God that knows the end from the beginning. He wills well for us, he is ever faithful and he never disappoints. We are all encouraged on this 4th Sunday of advent to resolve to work in accordance with the will of God in our lives. His will is always best for us, though it is sometimes difficult for us to understand at the beginning; with patience we will understand and appreciate what he has done for us. As we have God in our midst, in our life, in our family, let us live like people who are conscious of his presence in our life, our midst, our family and wherever we find ourselves. The consciousness of God’s presence in our life will make us better people and will grant us the strength we need to live like true children of God. So that God will continue to be born anew in our life as we make our way for salvation. It is my prayer on this 4th Sunday of advent that God will continue to strengthen us and grant us the graces we need to live according to his will in our life; as we prepare to meet him. Peace be with you. Amen.


Homily for 4th Sunday of Advent Year A, by Fr. Jude Ifezime, C.S.Sp