Today is the 3rd Sunday of advent, and it is also known as the Gaudete Sunday, which means rejoice Sunday. Today going through the readings, we are presented with readings of encouragement and should strengthen our resolve to work hard and prepare for the coming of the Messiah. We were encouraged from the beginning of the advent season to wait on the Lord. To live our lives like people who are expecting and preparing for the coming of the Messiah. A life that is worthy of the name Christian. Rejoice Sunday is encouraging us, it is a message of hope, a message that should prepare and strengthen us for the coming of Christ.
In today’s 1st reading, we see the prophet Isaiah pointing out the fact that all hope is not lost. What awaits us in the future is greater than the past and the present. The future is going to bring us more joy, peace, happiness and fulfilment. Thus, we are all encouraged by St. James in today’s 2nd reading that we should learn to be patient; always remember that the ways of God is different from our human ways. So when we deal with God, we must learn to be patient by waiting for his time. Always remember that God never answers us when it is already late, he comes at the nick of time. He comes and he makes all things right and better than we ever expected. In Is 60:22, he says that at his own time he will make everything right. That is why we have to trust the assertions from the readings of today.
Dear friends in Christ, no matter the situation you are going through at the moment, don’t lose hope but rather continue to wait and trust in the Lord. As we continue to prepare in hope, in trust, in confidence that God in his faithfulness will come to our assistance like he assures us from the readings of today. God has given us the assurance that everything will work well unto good; he never lies. Dear friends in Christ, as we celebrate the Gaudete Sunday, rejoice Sunday, gives us the opportunity to rejoice because we serve a God that is faithful to his promises. God will reward our efforts to live like through children of God, by living a life that is pleasing and acceptable to him. That is why the readings of today invites us to live like true children of God that we are. We are encouraged on this 3rd Sunday of advent to trust in God, amidst the challenges and difficulties of life that we may be going through at the moment, that God is going to make everything right again and better than it has ever been. We need to remain steadfast and be patient, just as St. James admonished us in today’s 2nd reading.
It is important that as children of God, we have to learn to trust and wait on him, and at Gods time he will answer our prayers and make everything right for us. He is always faithful to his promises and never disappoints all those who trust in him. Let us resolve to continue to do our best to live like children of God, and be rest assured that God will continue to bless all our efforts. He will draw us closer to himself and continue to manifest his love and blessings for us. My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the gospel reading of today, John wants to be certain about the person of Jesus and he sends emissaries to him. Jesus did not give a direct answer to what John seeks, but rather answered in a way that says that his works should give the answer John seeks. This is the height of humility. Many of us would have gladly told the emissaries that we are the messiah. The more we humble ourselves, the more God will continue to bless us. We have so much to learn from both Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. There is no better time for us to imbibe these spirits of these great men than now, during the season of advent.
It is our prayer on this 3rd Sunday of advent, that God will continue to strengthen our faith, continue to grant us the graces we need to live like through children of God and be patient with God in all that we do; so that his blessings will abound in our lives at his own time. Peace be with you. Amen.