Friday of the 12th week in ordinary time

2: Kings 25: 1-12    Mathew 8: 1-4

Theme: The mercy of God

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr. St. Irenaeus was a man of great faith, who stood on the side of the church against heresy that was fighting the church at the time. He remained steadfast in his faith until death. He continued to teach the doctrines of the faith without fear, until he made the supreme sacrifice with his blood. Each time we celebrate the saints, it gives us an opportunity to reflect on the quality of our discipleship; what are we willing to give up and to what extent are we willing to go because of our faith in God. Our faith in God is put to the test at different times in our lives, and when that happens what do we do? At such moments, do we remain steadfast like the Saint we are celebrating today or not?

In the gospel reading of today, we see how Jesus listened to the plea of the leprous man and restored him to good health. They met him while he was coming down from the mountain, he did not turn them away and said come back later, he rather responded immediately to the statement of faith, that was made by the sick man, and he was cleansed. Jesus does not postpone any given opportunity that will better the situation of all those who come to him for one help or the other, he responds promptly and grant them their request. This is one of the things we should emulate from Jesus as followers of Christ. We must stop the idea of postponing a good action that we can do immediately for a later time, that we may end up not doing for one reason or the other.

The mercy of God towards us cannot be over emphasized. He is always merciful to all those who come to him in faith. That is why we must always trust in the mercy of God, no matter the situation we find ourselves in life. Never make the mistake of thinking that the sins you have committed are too much that God cannot forgive you. There is nothing we do that is beyond the mercy of God. All we need is sincere repentance and faith in God, and he will forgive us our sins and give us the opportunity for another chance, for us to live a better life. As you do this may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.





Friday of the 12th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp