Thursday of the 12th week in ordinary time

2 Kings 24: 8-17      Mathew 7: 21-29

Theme: Union with God

In the gospel reading of today according to St Mathew, Jesus gives an insight into what matters most in our journey of faith, if we truly desire to make heaven. He points out the fact that putting the word of God that we hear into practice in our daily lives is what matters most. It is important to note that going to church alone without practicing what we preach and hear is not enough. So, it simply points out the fact that what matters most is our witnessing for Christ with our words and actions. You will agree with me that the assertion of Jesus in today’s gospel reading is very important in our world today. We need true witnesses, men and women who will live a life that will encourage and challenge others to do what is good and right.

This is a task that is not left to any individual or group, it is left for all of us who go by the name Christians and children of God. Jesus himself commissioned us all to take the word of God to the ends of the earth. As we preach the word of God to other people, we must make honest effort to also practice what we preach in our own lives. There must be harmony between the word that we preach to others and the way we live our daily lives, otherwise we will not make any impact in the lives of all those who encounter us. You will agree with me that this harmony is the real challenge for many of us who are Christians.

Let the gospel reading of today be a reminder for you, to continue to strive to be a true witness for God, wherever you find yourself. Never think it is not possible, just do your best and leave the rest to God. Always remember that you are not alone, the grace of God will always be there to support you, when your human strength fails you. The most important thing is your sincere effort to bring about the desired change in your life and God will be there to support you. The more the people who are willing to embrace and practice this teaching in their lives, the more positive impact that will be made in our world. May the Lord grant us the grace to be true witnesses, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, Amen. Peace be with you.


Thursday of the 12th week in ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp