Homily for Easter Sunday by Fr. Jude Ifezime, C.S.Sp Year C 2019

The response to our psalm this morning says, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad”.

Happy Easter to you all! The Lord has truly risen; Alleluia Alleluia! Today’s celebration has shown us that lies, darkness and evil cannot stand the test of time. It endures only for a while; joy cometh in the morning. Just like the events of the past three days have shown us. Light has triumphed over darkness, truth over falsehood and good over evil. Jesus is the light of the world, and we are partakers in the life of Jesus as his children; thus we are called to be true light in our world. In view of this, our lives should light up the path for others and dispel the darkness in the life of all those who encounter us in our daily lives.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection today, we are encouraged to emulate Jesus and radiate the wonderful attributes of Christ in our daily lives. That way, as we strive to attain salvation, we will also be helping others to attain salvation. One very important question today is, are we willing to walk the path that leads to salvation? Jesus has shown us what it means to walk through the narrow way to attain salvation.

The world in which we live today, challenges us to act as Jesus has done. Humanly speaking, it may seem impossible; but with God everything is possible. He says, “My grace is sufficient for you”. Dear friends in Christ, our lights must shine! By been the voice of the voiceless, contributing to better the lives of the less privileged and most abandoned, by standing for the truth at all times, and putting smiles in the faces of those who have lost the strength to continue.

We are the Easter people! The people of the Resurrection! May God bless his words in our hearts! Peace be with you. Amen.

Homily for Easter Sunday by Fr. Jude Ifezime, C.S.Sp Year C 2019