Homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity year C by Fr. Jude Ifezime, C.S.Sp

Today our holy mother the church celebrates the solemnity of the most Holy Trinity. A Solemnity that highlights the nature of the God we serve, three persons in one God. The Triune God! That is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Today’s solemnity is both a mystery and a Dogma in the church. It is an article of faith and cannot be contested, it is our belief and as such, it is a dogma in the church. However, it do not mean that we do not know anything about the Trinity because it is a mystery, like Fr. Ernest Ezeogu of blessed memory would say, the fact that it is a mystery does not mean that we are devoid of everything by way of  meaning according to the teaching of the church. What it simply means is that we cannot comprehend exhaustively what it is, though we know some aspect of what it is and represents. It is from that point of view that I would want us to reflect on the love that exists amongst the Trinity, the communitarian love that exists amongst them. In the same way my brothers and sisters, we see a selfless love, a love that is imbued in agape, a selfless love, a love that gives without counting the cost, a love that appreciates the other. Each member that makes up the Trinity continues to play its role without interfering in the role of the other and also respecting the other. There is harmony in the Triune God; there is harmony and peace in their community.

In the same way my brothers and sisters in Christ, as we celebrate this Dogma today, it also presents to you and I, the need for us to imbibe this communitarian spirit of love that drives the Three Persons in one God. It is also important to point out the fact that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit should not be reduced to their functions. The power of the Triune God transcends their functions. There is so much to draw from today’s celebration, that goes beyond their functions as individuals and that is why it is important that we look at the bond of love that exists amongst the Three Persons in One God. The respect that is found amongst them is something to be emulated. That is why Jesus, even though he is God will constantly make reference to his Father. Even before his ascension, he said my Father will send you the Holy Spirit; that goes to show us their bond of love and respect. This respect, love and harmony found amongst the Trinity are things that our world is seriously in need of in our own time.

The question today my brothers and sisters would be, do you also see the need for us to imbibe this culture of love, this bond of unity, this respect that is found amongst the Triune God? When we do this, we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. That is why my brothers and sisters, we need this communitarian spirit in our lives, with it will come love, with it will come selflessness, with it will come peace, with it will come joy, happiness, and the bond of unity that brings forth growth. We need it in our society today, in our communities, and in our families. That way there will be peace, love and selflessness which is in dare need of in our world today. Selflessness is very important. A love that transcends the self and looks at the other. This is very much needed today in our world. If this is practiced, our world will become a better place for all of us, our families will be better, our communities will be peaceful. God continues to implore and encourage us, through his words and the sacraments of the church, to imbibe this wonderful culture and practice that brings forth peace and the fruits that will lead us to eternal life.

We pray that as we celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity today, that God will continue to inspire us and grant us the courage we need to put into practice this communitarian spirit that bears fruits that will lead us to eternal life.

Peace be with you! Amen!


Homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity year C by Fr. Jude Ifezime, C.S.Sp