As we celebrate the 5th Sunday of the year in ordinary time of the year, the image of light is strongly presented to us. In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah talks about “the light of the people breaking forth like the dawn”. This assertion can be realized when we fulfil our obligation towards the poor and down trodden in our society. The prophet encourages us to be generous towards the poor. Each time we do this we attract the mercy and blessings of God towards our self and our family. Also, as we do this, we are simply following in the footsteps of Christ who was very kind and generous towards the poor. Thus, our generousity towards the poor should not be seen as optional but rather as an obligation that we have to carry out in our daily life. An action that has nothing attached to it, but simply because of the love of God and his blessings towards you. This way, our light will continue to shine where ever we find our self.
In the 2nd reading, St. Paul reminds us about the fact that our good works is a sign of the presence of the Spirit. This assertion is in line with what the prophet Isaiah is saying to us from the 1st reading of today. Suffice it to say that our good works are God centered. It is a sign of God’s presence in our life and also an affiliation with God. What prompts us to good action is Jesus crucified and not anything that is selfish or self-centered. As children of God and his disciples, generousity should be a way of life for us. When this becomes the reality in our life as individuals, then we can be rest assured that our light will continue to shine brightly without dimming. This brings us to a very important question, what are you doing to ensure that your light continues to shine brightly where ever you find yourself? It is never too late with God, let us resolve today that we will do all within our power to ensure that our lights continue to shine without dimming.
The gospel presents us with the image of the salt and the light. Jesus is reminding us today the same way he spoke to his listeners, that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We all know the roles of the salt; it gives nice taste to our meal, it is used as a preservative and it is also used for purification. When salt loses its taste, it is good for nothing. Dear friends in Christ, ask yourself this important question, as a Christian are you truly salt of the earth and light of the world? If yes, thanks be to God! But if your answer is no, then you can begin to make effort today to restore all things in Christ Jesus. You don’t have to despair, it is never too late to begin the journey of salvation. God is waiting for us with his outstretched arm to bring us back to himself.
Dear friends in Christ, don’t be discouraged; everything is possible with God. Give him a chance in your life today and allow him to mold you as a porter molds the clay to his heart’s desire. It is my prayer that God will grant us the grace to be true salt and light to the world. Peace be with you. Amen.