30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B (Jeremiah 31:7-9 Hebrews 5:1-6 Mark 10:46-52)

Theme: God’s Faithfulness

In the first reading today we see the Prophet Jeremiah presenting a message of hope and restoration to the people of Israel. This is taking into consideration the difficulties they were going through in captivity. The prophet is telling them that God has not finished with them yet, and that God is going to change their story and the narratives of their lives.

Just like the Israelites, some of us may be going through difficult moments presently in our lives. Difficult situations that have overwhelmed us and we may have lost hope. In view of this, the Lord is speaking to us just like he did to the Israelites. He says today that: he will bless and restore us. All hope is not lost therefore, because he has not finished with us yet. Our situations are going to change because he is going to change our stories. He says “I will change your mourning into dancing and give you gladness for grief”. He is God and ever faithful to his promises, if he has said it he will make it happen. Just the same way the prophecy of Jeremiah was also fulfilled in the lives of the Israelites; in the same way he is going to fulfil it in our lives.

That is why my brothers and sisters, whatever the situation is at the moment in our lives. It is time for us to work hard, pray more, be steadfast, and trust in God, because he never disappoints those who trust in him. We have to continually make honest and sincere effort to ensure that we live out his promises in our lives, with faith and trust in him, he is reliable and ever faithful.

When we look at the gospel reading of today, you will realize that we are talking about a God that wills that everything work well onto good for those who believe in him. In the gospel, Jesus wants to listen to the blind Batimeus, even as the people shut him down. The persistence of Batimeus today yields fruit for him because Jesus gives a command that they should allow him come to him. And when Batimeus met Jesus, the question that Jesus asked him was: “What do you want me to do for you?” his reply was “That I may see” And Jesus restored him as a result of his faith.

It is that same faith that today’s first reading challenges us to bring to the table. It is that same faith that will change our stories. It is that same faith that will restore us. This is the type of faith that is expected from us as children of God.  The Lord continues to encourage us by showing us that we are all work in progress and as such the situation you are going through at the moment is simply a passing phase in your life. The question is, are you willing to remain steadfast?, are you willing to trust God who is saying to us today through Prophet Jeremiah that I will change everything in your lives and give you gladness instead of grief?  Dearly beloved in Christ, let us trust in God. Let us do our best at all times as children of God and allow God to do his part in our lives. For the scripture says: they who put their trust in the Lord will never be put to shame (Rom. 10:11). We pray in a very special way today that God in his infinite goodness and love will grant us the grace to remain steadfast in the face of the challenges of life, so that when he eventually brings us to that point where he wants us to be we will be ready and prepared to meet him when he comes through Christ our Lord. Peace be with you.  


Homily for the 30th Sunday of the Year B, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp