Saturday of the 6th week in the ordinary time year 2
Theme: The glory of God
In the 1st reading from the letter of St. James, we are encouraged to be careful about the use of our tongue. This is because the tongue has the power to build and also to destroy. It is used for both blessing and cursing. However, we are all encouraged to make good use of the tongue and also to be careful about what comes out from the mouth. Whatever is spoken cannot be taken back. Thus, it is important that we should be mindful of this fact at all times, lest we make grave mistakes that may lead to regrets. Our consciousness of this fact will guide us against such.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, the response to the psalm says, “It is you, O Lord, who will keep us safe”. This assertion is built on the fact that whatever is kept in the hands of God is secured. The good thing is that any agreement entered into by God and his people, is kept by him; the problem is that it is you and I who do not keep our own side of the bargain. It is important that we make effort in every situation to play our own role and allow God to do his own. Sometimes we want God to play both his role and ours; that is not right and proper. We must know that it is important that we contribute our own quota and leave the rest to God. In some other situations, he will do everything for us, without waiting for us; this is what may be referred to as a miracle.
In the gospel reading, we see the familiar story of the transfiguration. Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain and exposed them to the glory of God. The voice confirmed who Jesus is to them and the glory of God overshadowed them. The experience of his followers on this mountain strengthened their faith about the person of Jesus, though they did not completely comprehend the awesome experience they had. Our encounter with Jesus should strengthen our faith in him. This is very important, especially in the reception of the sacraments. May God grant us the grace to be mindful of God’s presence in every situation in our life. Peace be with you.