Saturday of the 5th week of Easter

Theme: You are not of the world

The assertion of Jesus in today’s gospel is very timely. Taking into consideration all that is happening today in our country and in the world at large, this message is very important. Jesus reminds us today of the fact that he chose us out of the world, so we are not of the world. Simply put, we are in the world, but not of the world. However, to operate on this level presented in today’s gospel by Jesus himself, we must be ready to pay the price that goes with it; just like Jesus did. Sometimes the price can bring about some discomforts, such as hatred, jealousy, bitterness and even losing some close friends. All these and even more happened to Jesus while on earth, and he is strengthening our faith to prepare us for such moments in our life; so that when they come it will not confound us.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, this consciousness should help us to become better people. Our lives should be modelled after that of Jesus, and by so doing enthrone Gods presence in the world. Then we can make the desired positive change that is greatly needed in our world today. A change that will change things for the better and we begin to see each other as friends and one united family, where there will be peace, joy, love, happiness and unity. However, to achieve all these in our world, we must all be ready to sincerely do all within our power to live like true children of God that we are called to be. Dearly beloved in Christ, for this to happen, we must all be ready to pay the price that may bring about discomfort and stress of different kinds.

If we take the collaborative ministry that is presented to us in the 1st reading of today seriously, and practice it in our lives, it will help to bring about the desired change that is proposed in the gospel. We see the love and unity that was between Paul and Timothy that helped in the success of their ministry. They were able to do exploit for God because of their understanding and love for God. With such a disposition, we can make a very positive impact in our troubled world. The main challenge is, how many of us as children of God are disposed to pay this price, that can bring us discomfort and stress of different types? This is a question we have to reflect deeply on, if we truly want to affirm the saying of Jesus that we are in the world but not of the world. As we continue to strive for the desired change, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Saturday of the 5th week of Easter, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp