Monday of the 7th week of Easter
Theme: I have overcome the world
In the gospel reading of today, Jesus continues to give his followers hope and also to strengthen their faith in God; because of the challenges that they will encounter in the future. He points out the fact that amidst the challenges and difficulties they will encounter in the future, they should remain steadfast because it will all end in praise. Jesus assures us of victory as his followers because he has already overcome the world and we as his followers have all it takes to also be overcomers. Suffice it to say that Jesus is preparing the minds of his followers for the task ahead, so that when it begins to happen it will not take us by surprise. But we should rather face it with courage, prayer and faith; it is not the time to begin to complain and begrudge God for what we are going through.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, we serve a faithful and reliable God, who will never mislead or desert his people. The fact that Jesus tells us that he has overcome the world, simply means that as children of God, the forces of the world has no power over us, except we give them the power; by living as children of the world, instead of living like the children of God that we are called to be. The choice we make is what decides the path of the divide we belong to at any given point in time in our lives. The choices you make are they for God or they are for the world? Do you live a life that glorifies God or you live a life that promotes the ways of the world? This is a question that needs personal answer and reflection from every one of us. Whatever the choice we decide to make today, let us remember that the world in which we live right now is not our permanent home. Let us work for the things that will endure and lead us to life eternal.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, as we resolve to make the right choices, may almighty God bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.