Thursday of the 21st week in the ordinary time
Theme: Keep watch
In our gospel from St. Mathew, we are admonished to live our life in a way that is good and pleasing to God Almighty. If we can do that, his coming will not come to us like a thief, because we will be ready and prepared when he comes. In the scripture, we are constantly reminded about the fact that our life here on earth is temporal, but the way we live it will determine what will happen after here. It is the same thing that the gospel of Mathew is telling us today. It is not a teaching that is new to us as children of God, but it is simply a reminder that we must remain steadfast in our faith in God, because we do not know the hour when the trumpet will sound.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is an invitation for us to critically evaluate our way of life and correct what needs to be corrected and improve were we are already doing well. As long as we are conscious of this fact and continue to do all within our power to living out the gospel imperatives in our life, the coming of Jesus will not come to us like a thief. This is because we will be watchful and ready for his coming at any time; simply put, we will be prepared. Thus, we will be like that faithful steward that the master has placed over his household, and when he returns he will find everything the way they should be; he will be happy with us and reward us accordingly. We have all it takes to make this important preparation for the coming of Christ; it needs love, selflessness, humility and sacrifice. Humanly speaking it may seem impossible, but with God everything is possible. Just do your best and leave the rest to him.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, the fact that we already know all this should help us to make the right choices and do all within our power to ensure that we are not found wanting on the last day. The most important thing about our quest to make heaven is how much effort me are making towards realizing our goal for eternal life. As long as we are making honest effort to become better children of God, he will continue to bless us and reward our effort. Never at any point think that the mercy of God can no longer help you because of your way of life; that will be underestimating the power of God’s mercy. May God bless you as you continue to strive to become a better person, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.