Memorial of St. Andrew kim- Taegon (Priest) and his companions
Theme: The blood of the Martyrs
Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Andrew Kim- Taegon, the first native priest from Korea, Paul Chong Hasang who was a lay Apostle and also married; with their companions. The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of Christianity. They all died defending their faith with courage and conviction. For instance St. Andrew was beheaded. It is interesting to note that the people we celebrate today are both males and females. The heroic deed of this great men and women of faith continues to strengthen the resolve of Christians in our own time.
In the 1st reading of today, from the Book of Proverbs we are encouraged to live a good life that is pleasing and acceptable to God. It presents to us what we should not do in our lives as children of God that we are called to be, and what we should also do as children of God. At the end of the day, the choice is ours to make; which of the divide we want to belong to; given the assertions from the 1st reading. One thing that is very obvious is the fact that the heart of everyone are in the hands of God; which simply means that it is God that has the final say in every situation that we find ourselves in life. That is why we have to always take his admonition serious, as it concerns our call to discipleship. Lastly, the Book of Proverbs also pointed out the fact that we should always do all within our power to bring smiles to the face of the poor and less privileged, because their welfare means a lot to God and you and I as children of God and Christians.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the Gospel reading Jesus gives us an inclusive definition of a family. He defines it as those who hear the word of God and practice it. Going by this definition dearly beloved in Christ, are you part of the family of God? Today’s readings present us the opportunity to do a critical reflection about our practice of the word of God that we read, hear and preach. It is never too late to begin the right thing dearly beloved in Christ. What matters most is our willingness to make honest and sincere effort to put into practice the word of God.
As we strive to achieve this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.