Friday of the 28th week in the ordinary time
Theme: Trust in God
In the gospel reading of today, Jesus continues to emphasize the need for us to guide against living a hypocritical life. As children of God, our actions should be driven by love and sincerity of heart. It is expected that as children of God, our work and actions should be that of the light and not darkness. By implication, it simply means that we have to always stand for what is right and just at all times. Our personal gains and interests should not make us go against what is good and right, rather we must remain steadfast and stand up for the right thing at all times. By so doing becoming the voice of the voiceless and the marginalized in our society. We must be real and authentic in our word and actions at all times, as it concerns our human relationships.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, the good news is the fact that Jesus Christ is assuring us that he will always be on our side; so we have no need to be afraid to tell the truth at all times and stand for what is right and just. The assertion of Jesus does not mean that everything will be moving smoothly when you challenge unjust people and structures, he is simply saying that when the challenges will begin to come, you have to be courageous; because he will be by your side and will never desert you. To stand for what is good and right in our society today, will automatically make you the enemy of all those who are gaining something from the unjust situation. But when the time comes, Jesus is saying do not be afraid, I am with you until the end of time. The God we serve will never desert or forsake all those who trust in him. Our worry at all times should be our situation in God’s presence, because he has the final say; and not what people would do or say if we do not play according to their dictates.
The 1st reading of today, points out the fact that St. Paul is bearing witness to the truth, and all of us as children of God are also encouraged to bear witness to the truth at all times. We are lights and we must not do anything that will put out our light. Rather we will continue to live good life that will make our light to shine brighter at all times. As you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.