29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Exodus 17: 8-13    2 Timothy 3: 14-4:2    Luke 18: 1-8

Theme: A life of prayer

The power of prayer in our lives cannot be overemphasized. This point comes out very clearly from our readings today. We serve a faithful God that never disappoints all those who have faith and trust in Him. The response to our psalm for this Sunday is “our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth”, do you believe in it? If your answer is yes, then the readings of today may be more meaningful to you as a person. But if your answer to the question is no, then it is an opportunity for you to accept the invitation of St. Paul to Timothy in today’s 2nd reading. Make the scripture your companion and all your doubts will disappear as you encounter God in His word.


In the 1st reading of today, we see the power of prayer and intercession. As Moses raise his hand in prayer with the rod of God, the Israelites remained victorious over the Amalekites. This shows us that all those who trust and believe in God can never be disappointed. This is because God is ever faithful to all his promises.  Although the answered prayer may not come at the time we want it and how we have requested for it, but one thing that is certain is that God will answer our prayers. Always remember that the way of God is different from our ways and his time is also different from our time. The good news is that, God never attends to us when it is already late; he intervenes when it matters most. We can be rest assured that it will all end to the glory of God and for our own good.


The faithfulness of God is never in doubt. The parable of Jesus in today’s gospel, also points out that fact. The story of the unjust judge and the widow, who persisted until the judge gave her justice. We are all encouraged to emulate the action of the widow in today’s gospel. Never get tired of praying until your prayers are answered. As Christians and children of God, we must never get tired of praying; both in good times and in bad times. It is a weapon that never disappoints all those who make good use of it. Prayer is the answer to our questions and the solution to our problems. That been said, we must cooperate with the grace of God through our personal actions. Just like Moses raised his hand in prayer in today’s 1st reading and the widow continued to disturb the unjust judge in the gospel reading. We must play our own role and allow God to do what is left.


A life of prayer becomes easier, when we put into practice the admonition of St. Paul in the 2ndreading. He encourages us to make the scriptures our companion; the word of God has all the answers and solutions to the problems that worry us. Dear friends in Christ suffice it to say that prayer is the master key; it can unlock any challenge facing us. Today’s liturgy invites us to a life of prayer that is rooted in the scriptures. The more acquainted we are with the word of God; the more we are challenged to live a true Christian life.


The readings of today, gives us an insight into some attributes that are necessary for the success of any missionary. This is very important as we follow the proclamation of Pope Francis for this month of October on mission, and also as we celebrate mission Sunday. If you are not a missionary and cannot go for mission, then support missionaries with your prayers. The vineyard is rich but the labourers are few! May God send more labourers to his vineyard! Amen.

Peace be with you!



Homily for the 29th Sunday of the ordinary time, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp