Saturday of the 3rd week in the ordinary time

Theme: Faith in God

Today the church celebrates the memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor of the church. He was a man who made use of his intelligence for the good of the church. He wrote extensively on spiritual things. By so doing making adequate use of the gifts he received from God. All these were made possible because of his faith in God; without faith in God, it is almost impossible to serve God sincerely. In view of this, as we celebrate St. Thomas Aquinas today, it is an opportunity for us to re-evaluate how well we are making use of the gifts given to us by God, and also how much faith we have in God. It is never too late for us to make amends in our life, when we realize we are not on the right path. Each time we come to this consciousness about our actions and retrace our steps, God gladly welcomes us. You can decide to make that decision today, and you will be blessed for it.

In the 1st reading from the letter to the Hebrews, we are encouraged to emulate Abraham our father in faith, who followed Gods direction with faith; not minding the fact that he was not certain of what the future holds for him. Ordinarily one may be wondering why Abraham moved from a place he was already settled to a place he was not certain about, that is exactly what faith in God can do to us. He made a journey of faith that completely changed his life for the better. Abraham’s yes to the direction of God brought him blessings and growth. In the same way, my brothers and sisters in Christ, we have to trust in God at all times and deal with issues in our life with faith in God. Sometimes it is as if, we are wasting our time, just like in the case of Abraham but always remember that the God you serve can make a way where there is no way. Simply put, always remember that what God cannot do does not exist; just do your best and trust in God. He never fails or disappoints those who trust in him, he will not begin it with you.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the gospel reading of today Jesus rebukes his followers of lack of faith, it is a necessity in our lives. Jesus gave a command and there was calm in the sea. Just have faith in God; he will calm the storm in your life, family, business and in your society. May the Lord increase our faith in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp