Homily for the 5th Sunday of the ordinary time year A

Theme: You are lights!

The prophet Isaiah in today’s 1st reading gives us an insight on the type of things we have to do and the way of life we have to live, that will show that we are light that dispels darkness. Jesus is the light of the world, and he dispels the darkness in the world. You and I as children of God, are also called to be light in our own right, and the prophet Isaiah tells us in the 1st reading what we have to do to make this possible in our lives. A life that is built on love, selflessness and compassion will go a long way towards helping us to be true light wherever we find ourselves. If we are able to practice this in our daily lives, it will help us to build a wonderful relationship with God, such that when we call on him through our prayer he will answer us. This stems from the fact that our actions and lifestyle will serve as a true witness of God’s presence among his people. The prophet is encouraging us to embrace the gospel imperatives and practice them in our daily lives. When we do this, the Lord will break protocols for our sake and answer our prayers when we call out to him. It is an invitation that we have to accept for our own good and to the glory of God. We are all lights as children of God, ensure that your light continues to shine to dispel darkness and enthrone light wherever you find yourself.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, in the gospel reading of today, Jesus also remind us of the fact that we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its taste, it is useless. In the same way, when we begin to function without taking seriously the admonitions from the word of God, we lose our taste and our light and cannot make positive impact in the world around us. In view of this my brothers and sisters in Christ, we have to continue to make honest and sincere effort to ensure that we keep our taste and light at all times. This is very important to you and I as Christians and God’s presence among his people. The consciousness of the fact that we are called to be light that dispels darkness, should always keep us away from actions that are detrimental to our call to discipleship as children of God.

The invitation to continue to share in the light of Christ must not be taken fore-granted. It is a privileged one, and we have to continue to make effort to ensure that it counts at the end. As children of God we have all it takes to live a good life, if we are ready to make sacrifices, trusting in God’s grace. He will continue to support and strengthen us when the need arises. May the Lord strengthen our resolve to make this happen in our lives in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Homily for the 5th Sunday in the ordinary time of the year A, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp