Monday of the 7th week in the ordinary time of the year A
Theme: Men of little faith
In the gospel reading of today, the assertion of Jesus, “faithless generation” would it be different in our own generation, if Jesus were to be with us at this time? Your guess is as good as mine. Jesus used the opportunity to educate his audience and healed the sick boy. As children of God, the power of faith in our lives cannot be taken for granted. Jesus made it very clear that nothing is impossible when there is faith. All things are possible to anyone who believes. Thus, the big question today is, do I believe or have faith in God? The true test of our faith is seen in times of trials and tribulations, and not when things are going on well for us. When all is well, we can easily say that we have faith in God; but our actions when we are confronted by the storms of life may be saying something different.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, there is need for us to be patient, humble and persistent when we make requests from God. All these we find in the woman in todays gospel. Never get to a point and begin to grumble or lose faith in God because you think it is taking too much time before answering your prayers. Like I always tell people, God never comes late, and he comes at his own time; which is best for us. That is why we must always believe and trust in his process, even when the solution to our problem is not in sight. If the boys mother left in anger because the followers of Jesus could not heal his son, he would have missed the healing of his son by Jesus.
Sincerely speaking, I know it can be very frustrating sometimes when things are not going the way we want, but we must learn to trust in the word of God. He will never fail or disappoint all those who trust in him. May almighty God bless his words in our hearts in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.