Tuesday of the 1st week of Lent year A
Theme: The fulfilment of God’s word
In the 1st reading of today from the prophet Isaiah, we are reminded of the fact that the word of God once said must be fulfilled. This simply points out the faithfulness of God to his people. The word of God always fulfils the reason for which it is sent. This assertion from the prophet Isaiah are wonderful words of encouragement for all of us who are children of God. The word of God in the scripture should be always taken seriously, because he is ever faithful to his word. In view of this, we all must trust in God’s process and give him a chance in our lives, as we strive to live according to the gospel imperatives in our daily lives. The season of Lent is a wonderful opportunity for us to make honest and sincere effort to put the word of God into practice in our daily lives. It is for us to make up our minds to do the right thing, and trust in the grace of God to support our personal efforts. The more we strive to live like through children of God that we are called to be, the easier it will be for us to become worthy ambassadors for Christ. But we must begin by taking that bold step of faith first. Trust God and believe that the word of God will be fulfilled in your life.
This will be made possible when we take seriously the admonition of Jesus in todays gospel, as he invites us to a life of prayer. Our quest to please God goes beyond our human effort alone, the support of God’s grace is very important. There will be moments when our human strength will fail us, because of the situation we have found ourselves; and the grace of God will come to our assistance to help us. Thus, we must strive to be people of prayer. This is one of the easiest ways to connect with the Divine and build a relationship with him. We cannot do without prayer in our daily lives as children of God. A prayerful Christian is a very powerful Christian. We are all encouraged to be men and women of prayer. This is because prayer is the key that can unlock any difficult situation that we may encounter in our lives.
Interestingly, prayer is one of the issues that are emphasized during this season of Lent. We can begin to pray gradually, do not be worried about the time frame of your prayer right now. Rather, be present to God while you pray, how much time you spent should not be an issue. Gradually your prayer life will continue to grow and you will worry less about the time you spend while praying. As you do this may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.