Thursday of the 1st week of Lent year A

Theme: Help of the hopeless

In the 1st reading of today from the Book of Esther, we see how God can assist someone who comes to him in faith, in a seemingly hopeless situation. Esther understood the implication of what she wanted to do, and she decided to present the situation to God before going ahead. Her action points out the fact that she trusted in God and believed that God will help her in that difficult moment that she found herself. The fact that she had such a strong faith in such a difficult situation, says a lot about her faith in God. Humanly speaking, she is threading a path that will lead to her destruction. But she did not allow the situation to stop her from calling upon God in faith.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, we must emulate Esther when we find ourselves in difficult situations that seem hopeless. Never give up at such moments, rather present the situation to God in faith, just as Esther did in todays 1st reading; he will not fail or disappoint you. Remember that with God everything is possible, it is only for you and I that we can say it is impossible; not for God. At such moments what matters most is our faith in God, and our steadfastness. God has a way of responding to the needs of his people when it matters most. He will never shame those who trust in him. Worry less about that situation currently in your life and family that seem hopeless and present it to God in faith; he will not disappoint you. When we do this, the song that will be on our lips is the response to our psalm today. It say’s “on the day I called, you answered me O Lord”. We serve a faithful God without deceit, a God that stands by his word and promises. Faithfulness, is in the nature of God, so he cannot fail all those who trust in him.

The assertion of Jesus Christ in the gospel reading of today, she strengthen our resolve to trust in God and emulate the action of Esther in the 1st reading of today. Jesus is saying to us today to ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. He is not man that he should lie, he is ever faithful to his word and promises. It is left for us to do what he has asked us to do in faith and leave whatever is left to him. It will be like a Sower who plants a seed and do not know how the seed germinates and bring forth fruits for consumption, he is capable of doing it in that difficult situation in your life.

Dearly beloved in Christ, as you do this, may almighty God bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

Thursday of the 1st week of Lent, by Fr. Jude Ifeanyi Ifezime, C.S.Sp